Friday, July 19, 2013

Are You an Empath?

Dear Friends,

How do you know if you are an empath?

Why does it matter? 

First, you need to understand what an Empath is. An empath is a person, with at least one trainable skill, to move their consciousness into something or someone else and experience that otherness, usually on a very personal level. Empathy is feeling or experiencing what the other is experiencing, where sympathy is simply a harmony of feeling or interests between two beings. There is a huge difference. You live empathy!

It matters for those 20% of the population that are born empathic but don't know or understand it, their lives are often filled with suffering and pain. The really sad part is, it isn't even their stuff but because they don't know or understand that, empaths may take on the pain and suffering they are experiencing as their own. Many hypochondriacs may simply be unskilled empaths, who are taking on other people's illness and not knowing how to release it. 

So how do you find out if you might be an empath?  I have just the test for you!!!  Mark each question below with a true or false.

True or False
  • After being in a crowd of people I feel strange, sometimes angry, exhilarated, or sick, I felt myself before I went in.
  • When I'm with people who fascinate me I wish I knew what it was like to be them?
  • It annoys or amuses me when people put on a show of being in-tune with others and I know they really aren't.
  • I'm thin skinned about other people, not just myself.
  • One of the best parts of falling in love, for me, is seeing the world through my lover's eyes. Everything becomes different and new.
  • Some of the favorite compliments that I get are, 'You really answer my questions.' or 'You understand me better than others do.'
  • I've been scolded for being too sensitive.
  • When with different people, I don't just talk to them, my whole wave length shifts. For instance, when I'm with an artist, colors are more vibrant than usual; when with a musician, I'm more aware of sounds; when I'm with an athlete, I feel more physically alive.
  • If I have to give the same speech to three different strangers it comes out differently each time.
  • I seem to sense information that causes me to adjust the words I use when talking with different people. If I'm talking with a highly educated person, even though I've not been told they are educated, my words are longer and exacting for what I'm trying to explain.
  • When someone is sick, I feel some of what they are going through. In fact if I let myself go, the experience could be overwhelming.
  • In certain situations (i.e. talking, dancing or teaching,) I get right on another persons wavelength----how he or she thinks. This kind of sharing is very special to me.
  • I don't just talk to my plants, I feel they communicate back with me.
  • It's freeing for me to be outdoors. It's more than a change of scene.
  • When I'm outdoors the way I think and feel changes, as though I pick up on something from the plants and animals around me.
  • The truly fascinating part of having a pet is feeling like I enter their world when I'm feeling close to them.
  • Seeing myself in the mirror often surprises me. I identify more with the feeling of my energetic presence than a particular face and body.
  • Friendship isn't just sharing common interests, it has to do with enjoying their sharing different ways to be with me.
  • I have a longing to connect with others who are seeking deeper dimensions to life.
  • When I encounter these other kindred spirits, I feel a kind of relief. Even if our paths cross just long enough to make eye contact once, the meeting can lighten my spirit for hours.

OK. How'd you do?

If you got to mark even one answer true, guess what? Welcome, you too are an empath. 

So what can you do about it? Just one true answer qualifies you to reach for a whole new way of understanding life.  Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to let go of much of the suffering and pain in your life.

 Learn to be skilled. 


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